The fastest home remedies for the increase of the power

One of the diseases to men, that appears most often in middle age and beyond, it is impotence, that is to say, the inability to maintain an erection sufficient for a sexual relationship, or even the lack of erection. These problems can be adjusted with the help of drugs. But men, I think about the side effects of the use of drugs, they believe that the home remedies for the increase of the power of rapid and more effective help.

This is a touchy subject, you can add problems in the personal life of both members of the couple. "Nuisance" may occur with any young person, after a strong tiredness, stress, lack of minerals and vitamins, as well as the natural active substances in the body. The cause can serve as abuse of alcohol, and even getting enough sleep.

The fastest home remedies to increase the power

home remedies for the increase of the power

Mother nature may be designated for the men of the so-called aphrodisiacs — substances that may be in the short, almost instantaneous for the duration of be very tempting the impact on the man. Have been used since ancient times to increase sexual desire and, above all, opportunities. These products contain substances that increase the amount of emission of the sex hormones, and the flow of blood to the genitals. Act quickly in a matter of hours.

Let's look at aphrodisiacs more detail:

  • Garlic contains the mineral selenium. Its beneficial properties of the purpose, increased the circulation of the blood in the organs, which increases power and lengthens the time of the erection;
  • Arch properties is similar to that of garlic;
  • Celery contains a hormone responsible for the potency and secondary sexual signs (androsterone);
  • Parsley — regulates the male hormonal balance of your body by means of the substance, which allows to increase the level of testosterone (the male hormone) — apigenin;
  • Dill — has the property to expand the blood vessels, which causes the flow of blood to the male organs. In addition, it also contains vitamins and minerals;
  • Honey and nuts is a natural Viagra, which promotes the production of testosterone;
  • Mussels and oysters — contain a high amount of zinc. Several pieces of oysters, bring in the newspaper of the regulations of the zinc for the man.
  • Ginger — in addition to the increased power, helps to reduce the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in men.

Spices, enhance the male power: the curry and the carnation, also the vanilla, cumin and rosemary. Can be added to prepared dishes or used in the preparation of broths and vegetables.

Recipes of remedies for strengthening the men's features:

  1. The drink of the honey and the red wine is the combination is yet known of the Ancient russia. Mix the honey, red wine, and the juice of aloe vera in a ratio of 3:2:1, you can add seeds of parsley. The mixture insist in the term of 12 days.
  2. A drink made of honey and carrot juice, it is better to add the ginger. For the beverage from the outlet of 0.5 kg of walnuts, 300 g of honey and 100 ml of aloe juice or carrot. Drink before the food 30 year
  3. Mulled wine for the strengthening of the power — a glass of red wine, and nuts. First, the mixture of dried fruits (raisins, prunes, apricots — each per 100g) with 1 tablespoon of spoon of sugar, it is desirable to add the cardamom and the cinnamon, you can add other spices. The mixture is poured the red wine and simmer heat for an hour. Ideal to drink before dinner, or for the quick impact before you start the sexual act. The effect is instant.
  4. Honey applique make it so. First, 200 g of honey diluted in 1 l of warm water, then moistened with a solution napkin put in the base of the male organ. The best way to do this two times a day for 10 minutes.
  5. Cooking with ginseng. This plant is not in vain called the "root of love". For cooking 100g of root penetrates 0.5 l of water and insist 2 days. Then the mixture should be cooked for 4 hours on a small fire, add 1, and ss.the spoon of honey and cinnamon. The reception of the cooking takes place after the meal of the year 100
  6. When the impotence is accepted broths, or other types of potions from the root of calamus, dubrovnik and nettle. For example, one of the options for male enhancement the force — mix the seeds of nettles and soft pre-banana, very tasty.

What should I know?

the increase of the power

In the treatment of the male impotence remedies is necessary to remember some recommendations to help you get rid of this problem, not only with the consumption of special herbs and drinks:

  • The man should follow a healthy lifestyle, sleep at least 8 hours a day, to lead an active life, eat properly;
  • Should be avoided alcohol, and the possibility of reducing the consumption of coffee and tea, fats and fried foods;
  • In the diet must be present in raw fruits and vegetables, roots (especially radish, daikon, beet, carrot, ginger);
  • Medicinal properties have honey and nuts (up to 1 glass a day, washed down with goat milk), increase men desire and the ability;
  • In the programming of the week it is necessary to put the "service day or the day of the reception of "the sun" (especially in summer).

And finally...

Popular recipes and recommendations for the solution of this intimate of the issue there is a large crowd. Pick up in itself and for the experience. To find your own desired recipe of the male enhancement force, it is necessary not to forget that the main assistant in the reinforcement of male power is love.

The love and the more masculine of the force!